Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Goats will eat everything!

Those who love goats know that this is a myth. Altough when they eat your garden or wreak havoic with your flowers you might think that they will eat every thing. All this demonstrates is that they find nutrients in a wide variety of plants, grasses and shrubs. This diversity and their small size allows them to adapt to many regions of the world. At this site I will discuss nutrition and your goats.


  1. An Emergency Substitute Colostrum
    This can be used to give a boost to a kid whose mother has hard udder or mastitis or a kid that is cold and weak.*** This does not have any antibodies like normal colostrum*** There is no substitute for the doe's colostrum (first milk)

    820 ml (cc) warm cow, goat, or sheep milk
    2 ml of corn syrup (Do not use table sugar. Corn syrup is more digestible.)
    5ml cod-liver oil
    1 whole egg + shell
    Mix well, including egg shell, in a blender and feed warm 140 ml 4 times a day for a maximum of two days. This provides kids with fat, protein, minerals, vitamins A, D & E, ***but no antibodies

    Home made Electrolyte for Scours:
    1 can beef consommé
    1 pkg dry Certo (fruit pectin)
    1 teaspoon lite salt (potassium chloride (KCl))
    2 teaspoons baking soda
    • Add water to 2 quarts (distilled if tap water high in nitrates, or Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) >800 mg/l).
    • Mix well. Divide into 4 equal portions to be fed at 2 to 4 hour intervals.

    Are eggs good for Scouring Kids?

    Producers who have heard that eggs are good for scours and as a supplement often call me during the spring. After investigating this question, I found that eggs are unique, the chicken’s answer to colostrum. They are highly digestible. If fed whole with the ground-up shell, they are a good source of minerals, protein, fat, and vitamin, and provide 6.5% of a kid's daily energy requirement.
