Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Goat Project: Vets without Borders

Hi I recieved this email form one of our final year students who is very active in Vets Without Borders. One of their projects involves the goat and is in keeping with my  Theme:"Trade guns for Goats". I thought I should bring it to my followers' attention.

Meg Smart DVM PhD

I will be working in Mbarara, Uganda this summer with Veterinarians without Borders. I am joining a goat pass on project where farmers are given a goat after proving they have the capactity to take care of it. When the goat is bred and has kids, that newborn is given to another family in the community. I will be there this summer vacinating and health checking all these goats. We will also be assesing new communities and distributing new goats. This is where you have the chance to purchase a goat for a family in need. The majority of our beneficiaries are women and children who have lost family members to HIV/AIDS. These goats help these men and women to make a small income which helps send their children to school and feed their family. The cost of a goat in Uganda is $50. With this donation you will receive a picture of your goat with its new family. There are no administration fees, all donations will go directly to the project and the goat will be hand delivered by myself. To make a donation please visit my donation page ( If you choose to buy a goat send me a message with your address and number of goats you purchased so I can send you a picture and story of the family at the end of the summer. If you have any questions about the project please contact me.

Thank you,

Steven Kruzeniski

WCVM 2012